Modal verbs in the past

I could read when I was four. NOW GO TO THE NEXT PAGE AND COMPLETE THE PRACTICE EXERCISE. Modal verbs of ability express ability in the past, present and future. Find advanced modal verbs of abiltity explanations and exercises here.

Could have, followed by a past participle indicates an ability NOT used and often shows disapproval.

Ability in the present and future. Do the two exercises and then check the summary of. You can visit the museum. They express ability, permission, possibility, obligation etc.

The put your knowledge to the test in the free interactive exercises. They do not take -s in the simple present and they do not have a past simple or past. It can get very hot in Arizona.

She is one of the most talented person I know, she can cook delicious foo she. He is years ol he works in a gym, heto exercise a lot, he used to do. Can is a modal verb and is only used in the present and simple past tense.

INDEX OF ONLY GRAMMAR. Practice 2: past, present or something else? Choose the best expression to complete these sentences. General abilities ( past and present).

Is used to talk about past abilities. Exercise for modal verbs expressing ability. This modal verbs of ability exercise asks you to choose the correct modal verb depending on the situation.

The modals used are can, could, and be able to. These five verbs are examples of. Present and past modals of ability. Could you survive in an extreme situation?

We use could when we speak about general ability in the past. We often use was able to to speak about about a specific situation in the past.

She could play chess when she was. We use COULD to: a) talk about past possibility or ability b) make requests. This worksheet enables the students to practice modal verbs of ability - can, could, be able to.

Read the sentences carefully. Click on the words to put them in the correct order. Did manage restaurant? We should have gone the other way (recommendation). He could play football in his youth ( ability in the past ).


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