Grammar can can

Choose the best modal for each sentence. Click on the box beside. Add some spice to your regular old modal verb lesson with five activities.

Do you know how to use modal verbs to talk about permission and obligation? Look at these examples.

Try this exercise to test your grammar. Read the grammar explanation below. Which sentence is correct? We should leaving soon. Modal verbs quiz for ESL students. I am talking to you. I was using my pencil a. Links to exercises included.

The teacher said we. Have to, must, should – obligation, prohibition, necessity, advice. Be supposed to, be allowed to, etc. George has travelled a lot. He speak many languages. English intermediate grammar exercises. Exercise for reviewing modal verbs. CD player for a couple of days? In this exercise you will practise the difference between should and should have. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below using the verb in.

After checking some information about should and ought to, here you have some exercises for practicing with these modals. Levels of Difficulty. She is not able to read Chinese. Must or should exercises.

Most modal verbs, except for ought, are followed by the verb without to. Gallaudet should to build a new computer center.

Complete the sentences using the perfect modal verb Should have Vfor the following. It is more commonly used for peer to peer (same rank or authority) advice or with family. You should have told me about the sale.

MODAL, PLAIN FORM VERB. I could have got some new shoes at a discount!


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