Tradução for myself

Tradução for myself

I have worked at creating a professional yet friendly environment for myself and others to train in. As a blood donor myself and a supporter of the cause of blood donation, I therefore voted in favour of this report. I highlight this because I myself was rapporteur to the European Parliament.

Traduções em contexto de "to myself " en inglês-português da Reverso Context : to kill myself, i said to myself, to make myself, i thought to myself, to defend. Trying to stay inside the lines.

Em breve, o histórico de traduções só estará disponível depois que você fizer login e poderá ser gerenciado na página Minha atividade. O histórico anterior. I find myself strangely attracted to you, and I am curious to learn about your marital status and sexual orientation, but that must wait. In those mirage colors from water and sky, better I know myself.

A guiding angel in silence lifts me: and they lead me to see what I am and am not, in what I am. PATTON, Kimberley Christine. So I keep to myself.

Tradução for myself

Lyrics by Sanderlei Silveira ♪♪ You can do anything you set your mind to, man. The moment, you own it, you better. Sitting here, talking to myself.

Last night was the last night of my past life, woah. This is a love song, real love. Dirty rip out the whole of your soul love. As traduções dependem do género.

Tradução validada pela Comunidade do TradutorAderir. And if I could convince myself to feel it. You know I would feel it, I would. I need you to save me from myself. Give me something I can feel! Keep me close, keep me close. Beth Crowley - Warrior ( tradução ) (Letra e música para ouvir) - You fascinated me. Brevemente, o histórico de traduções só estará disponível quando tiver sessão iniciada e será gerido centralmente em A minha atividade.

Many translated example sentences containing "for myself " – Portuguese-English dictionary and search engine for Portuguese translations. Vamos ver outros exemplos para você.


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